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Hi, I'm Sarah. I started Sarah's Recipe List as a place to share my favorite
recipes. Ever since I was a little girl I have had a lot of problems with food
sensitivities and allergies. Over the years I have learned what makes me feel
good and what makes me feel like I have rocks in my stomach. I have cut out a
lot of common "normal" foods from my diet but that does not stop me
from cooking great food that my family and I love to eat. In fact, I have been
opened up to some amazing foods and ingredients that I probably never would
have known about if I still ate like the majority of Americans. Here is a list
of the foods and ingredients you are not likely to find in my recipes:
- Gluten
- Oats
- Dairy
- Casein
- Chocolate
- Potato (or any
nightshades like tomato, peppers and eggplant)
- Corn
- Soy
- Eggs
- Refined sugar
- Artificial food
coloring and dyes
- Yeast
- Shellfish
- Peanuts

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